1) Alternator should put out 14--->14.5 v across + and - posts. If not the alt is faulty or bad connections at both cable ends or bad cables, check all. Your 0.5mv is way off. Alt probably the culprit. 2) P draw with - cable disconnected and a DMM in series between - post and - cable should be about 10 - 15 mv. Some references say 50mv less is better. My Z has 12mv. Your 2.5A P draw is way too much and the cause of your Bat drain over night. 3) To find the P draw connect the MM as in 2) and start pulling fuses and determine which circuit drops to acceptable level. Once found find what is causing that circuit to draw the amps. Check security system; check if brake lights remain on when pedal released - means a missing plastic stop on brake pedal (this happened to me). I-net full of videos on finding P drain here is one: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=finding+car+parasitic+drain&&view=detail&mid=C6080DE6B69DC7966822C6080DE6B69DC7966822&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dfinding%2Bcar%2Bparasitic%2Bdrain%26FORM%3DHDRSC3